The MicroConf Europe 2013 Hub Page with all the information can be found here
Speaker: Andy Brice (@successfulsw)
The Challenge
- How do you get a potential customer’s attention in a cost effective way when countless other vendors are trying the same thing?
- 5.3 trillion display ad impressions delivered in the US in 2012
- Even Perfect Table Planer has >100 competitors
Organic Search / SEO
- Good content
- On-page SEO is not rocket science
- But:
- It is a game where none of the players know the rules
- Results are not guaranteed
- It takes time
- Blackhat tricks can get you banned
- Everything relies on Google
PPC / Google Adwords (search)
- Can be highly targeted
- very cost effective
- Huge reach
- Quick results
- Lots of feedback
- But:
- Complex
- Requires significant tuning
- Bid price inflation
- Easy to waste money
PPC / Adwords (Display Networks)
- Potentially huge reach
- CPC can be cheaper than search
- Can use image / video ads
- Andy could never make it work
PPC / Microsoft Adcenter
- Less competition – may be able to get cheaper clicks than Adwords
- But:
- Much less traffic
- Painful UI
- Minimum bid of 0.05 pounds
PPC / Facebook ads
- Demographic Targeting
- Huge reach (#2 on the internet)
- But:
- People aren’t on Facebook to buy stuff, clicks may not convert well
- No conversion Tracking
- No downloadable products allowed
PPC / LinkedIn ads
- Can target by:
- Job function
- company
- gender
- age group
- country
- LinkedIn group membership (this is awesome!)
- Easy to set-up
- But:
- Expensive (Minimum CPC $2, Minimum CPM $3)
Facebook Page
- Only need 25 ‘likes’ to get a vanity URL (
- Potential to reach out to friends of customers
- Free
- But:
- A low ‘like’ doesn’t look great
- Less control than own site
- They show ads for other products
- Clunky UI
- Allows engagement with customers
- Useful for promoting ‘viral’ content
- Free
- But:
- Hard to build up followers if you aren’t a celebrity
- A low follower count doesn’t look great
- Time consuming
- 1:1 interactions don’t scale
- Builds a relationship
- Can bring in a lot of organic search
- Free
- But:
- Major time commitment
- Some products easier to promote through blogs than others
- Hard to do if you don’t like writing
- Useless if not targeted
Bloggers (a.k.a. other people’s blogs)
- Mention on high traffic blog can drive significant traffic
- Helps with SEO
- Great if you can get a free mention
- But:
- Hit and miss
- Many bloggers expect to be paid
- Getting a mention is unlikely to have long-term effects
Download Sites
- Can provide useful amounts of free targeted traffic for some types of products
- May still be important for some platforms (e.g. Mac)
- Free
- But:
- Increasingly irrelevant
- Engaged in race to the bottom (toolbar installers, Dubious PPC ads, Fake awards)
Posting on Forums
- Free
- But:
- Time consuming
- Most forums have ‘no follow’ links
- Ethical issues (pose as a woman, etc)
Magazine Ads
- Buying a magazine shows commitment
- Repeatable
- But:
- Expensive
- Hard to track results
- ‘Impedance mismatch’
- Ads may become less effective over time
Press Releases
- Review and editorials have more credibility than ads
- Great if you can get it for free
- Online services, e.g.:
- But:
- Hit and miss
- Press releases are only worthwhile if they are newsworthy/creative, e.g. not “ACME Corp is delighted to announce v1.23 of their revolutionary new…”
Partner Programs
- Sometimes free
- Well worth trying if available and free
- Examples:
- Microsoft Office Partner Program
- >2 billion LBP of affiliates sales in the UK in 2006
- ‘Super affiliates’ can drive serious traffic
- Can be largely automated
- Performance based
- But:
- May compete directly against you
- Some affiliates expect 75% commission
- Very few people seem to manage more than a few percent additional sales
- A lot of spam going on
Email Marketing
- Potentially low cost and large reach
- But:
- Hard to know how good the quality of the list is
- CTR likely to be very low if no relationship
- Spamming is bad for your reputation
1 Day Discount Sites
- Can give exposure to a new audience
- But:
- One-off
- Heavily discounted
- Price anchoring issues
- May attract wrong sort of customer
- Volumes probably not worthwhile for most niche products
Snail Mail
- Can include physical items
- Measurable, A/B-testing
- But:
- Difficult to assess quality of mailing list
- Expensive
- Kills trees
- Low response rates
App Stores
- Increasingly a feature of selling software
- Store owner is providing (some) marketing and infrastructure for you
- But:
- Rejection is a real possibility
- Big cuts for store owner (30% for Apple)
- Interaction with the customer is restricted
- Downward pressure on prices
- Median sales for paid apps in the iPhone is $682/year
Make Product Promote Itself (Viral Marketing)
- Potentially exponential growth
- But:
- Hard to pull off
- needs right product
Word of Mouth
- Best marketing is done by your customers
- Massive reach
- Maximum credibility
- Free
- But:
- Requires customers first
Choosing the right method
- Best choice depends on
- Type of product
- value of sale
- Your personality/skills
- In general prefer:
- Targeted over un-targeted
- Measurable over un-measurable
- Scalable over one-to-one
- Continuing over one-off
- Performance based over flat fee
- Cheap experiments over expensive ones
- Run the numbers
- At %1 conversion rate and profit per sale is $20 –> CPC needs to be below 0.20
- Be creative (How to advertise on porn sites)
- Don’t neglect existing customers (Version upgrades, more expensive plans, optional extras)
- Try a lot of things!
[…] Andy Brice: “Notes from the Trenches: 8 years of Software Marketing Experiments“ […]