The MicroConf Europe 2016 Talk Recaps can be found on the central hub page.
Twitter: @irltopper
- In 2006 we were busting our asses off and still broke
2007 – Getting Organised
- We doubled prices to $200/h
- even our existing customers did NOT complain
- started charging for extras
- Whiteboard just wasn’t enough
- No apps met our needs
- We
- Key takeaways
- Consultancy sucks
- Don’t target a small market
- Don’t sell software components to developers
- Consultancy-ware software is no fun to build or sell
- Treat your customers with respect
- Sometimes you need to go with your guts
Build it and they will come
- Finding the time: we needed to dedicate one day per week to our product
- No matter what, friday was product-day
- Product Design? Specs? We just started hacking… hackedy hack hack!
- Preparing for Launch – eat your own Dog Food
- First domain:
- insanely stupid domain
- Worst. Product. Launch. Ever.
- No market research
- no PR outreach
- no email blast
- no landing pages
- No unique positioning
- Just an akward high-five!
- Marketing? Who needs Marketing? Hackedy hack hack!
- One exception: Engineering as Marketing
- We implemented an import feature for main competitor
- We had a monthly newsletter highlighting new features
- We did only 3 things right
- built great product
- treated customers like honored guests
- took every suggestion onboard
- Made $191 in the first month!
- 50 months after we launched we hit $1M ARR (December 2011)
- Hell night in August 2012
- everything was down –> PANIC!
- website completely dark, no response from hosting providers
- flood of tweets coming in
- We decided to move over to AWS over the next few months
- Hockey stick growth hit us when we purchased
- Initial requested price was in the millions
- Randomly emailed the guy two years later, offering him $100,000
- Response: “Same lowball offer again? Thanks”
- Responsed: “What would you consider?”
- 30 seconds later he wrote: “675k”
- Pushed my board to agree. I went all Martin Luther King on them.
- It proofed to be an inflection point – product revenue grew like crazy after that
- Time to be an actual CEO
- This is my job!
- Things we fixed
- Meetings suck. But get over it!
- Quarterly meetings to identify top 5 problems
- Set the vision: $100M ARR
- We started hiring deliberately
- Sculpting our culture
- Golden rule: Don’t be a dick!
- Never argue over IM or chat
- Got a proper marketing team
- Got a sales team
- Meetings suck. But get over it!
[…] Peter Coppinger: The Developer CEO […]